This assignment for a typography class was to create a mock editorial for a Covid-related article. I chose a 2020 Guardian: Life and Style article, "Remember to Smile with Your Eyes: How to Stay Safe and Look Great in a Face Mask," about how to use makeup in the time of Covid. I juxtaposed the piece with “A Coronavirus Survivor’s Story: I Touched Death,’”
published by Raffi Berg and BBC News around the same month in 2020.
The supplemental imagery was collaged archived images from vintage fashion/beauty magazines. I superimposed covid masks over most of the pictures. For the cover image, I photographed my own face beneath a scarf, and photoshopped it onto a makeup advertisement image.
(Left) Vogue, ca. 1938, Vintage_Portraits Assemblage;
(Center) Album du Modes, no. 9, 1949, Blue17 Vintage Clothing;
(Right) Maybelline, ca. 1915 Made_in_Chicago Museum, Chicago;
To distinguish what I saw as a very shallow article with the horrific reality of the pandemic, I created two different type treatments and page layouts. The prior was reminiscent of 20th century fashion and beauty magazines. I used a three-column layout with the serif fonts Palantino and Ivy Presto Headline. In stark contrast, I treated the second article in a contemporary and minimalist way. To really punch the darkness of the BBC article's content, I chose to use white text on a void-like, black ground. This was in a one-column layout using Helvetica Neue, a sans-serif font.
Mock Editorial, pg. 9-10 (full spread)
The main thrust of my efforts with this article was to acknowledge the priorities of some media outlets during a very dark time in recent world history. On the day that the Guardian article was published, over half a million people had died from Covid-19 and the rest were all either sick or quarantined. To visually convey this idea, I chose to treat the BBC News article as if it was physically beneath the other, which was being ripped away to reveal a darker story. I ripped pieces of paper into the shapes that I needed, scanned them, and then photoshopped them to look smooth.
Mock Editorial; mockup images
In the end, I am fairly happy with the final mockup and feel that it was a very useful exercise in visually-demonstrating written themes.